After a long time I got up at 6 am may be first time since I came to US. I had to go for the medical checkup at 7 to get the physical fitness certificate. The stupid PA state DMV’s are asking for certificate to get the learners permit. It’s really hard to get a doctor’s appointment to just get the certificate. Finally I found one medical centre where they used to do the fitness test for most of the company employees. The hard thing about that centre was they are not supporting “Aetna” insurance but they are supporting more than 50 other insurance providers and it cost me 50 bucks from my pocket.
Though they had a normal checkup the vision checkup was tough. I couldn’t even recognize the letters itself but the lab attendant asked me to close my left eye and read that line. I am sure out of 8 letters 3 could have gone wrong. I don’t thing nobody had red that correctly in the past since it was too small to read from a long distance. Then I had a bp and pulse test on my left hand. She said “it seems little bit high for you and let me check again in the other hand”. No use the same result it’s 86 in diastolic reading. The normal should be between 70 and 80. The doctor said I could have been bit nervous when the test has done since it’s a new place for me. But I am sure this is the first time I am too relaxed when they were doing the bp test. Normally my pulse rate will go up whenever they do the test but this time it’s just 77. I found that the bp 86 mm hg comes under the category “High Normal”. I don’t know what does that “high” and “normal” means. :-)
The time to stop talking is when the other person nods his head affirmatively but says nothing. - Henry S. Haskins